As a coach, I listen with intent, ask questions in the service of your goals and hold you accountable, but I do not judge. With your permission, I walk alongside you as you explore the path to your best self, uncover the obstacles holding you back and discover your own hidden resources to overcome them and make a plan to achieve your goals.

Over the past 20 years, I've been a pioneer in online matchmaking, an executive for the Walt Disney Company, Chief of Staff to the head of a major Swiss bank and a venture capital-backed entrepreneur. I lived on three continents, picked up a Harvard MBA, and even gained the moniker of being China's Dr Ruth. I worked 14 hour days and often on the weekends as well. Work hard, play hard. Sound high performance?

Not so fast...

In fact, unbeknownst to me, I was burning out, eventually diagnosed with three autoimmune diseases and told I would never be able to start a family. 

My Journey to Health

What followed was a 10-year personal odyssey to rebuild my health, meeting expert doctors on four continents, trying traditional therapies and experimental drugs, and spending more than US$100,000 in addition to what my excellent insurance covered, in the process. In the end, the doctors told me nothing more could be done and to accept the reality of my broken body.

I never did.

Instead, I reversed two of my diagnoses so quickly that the doctor decided my initial 'test positives' must have been a blip. I also discovered what was behind my burn-out and brain fog - hypothyroidism brought on by massive stress. Finally, I brought new life into the world - without medical intervention - and gave birth to a healthy baby girl at the age of 43. 

I had set a new intention to take my health into my own hands, experimenting with lifestyle interventions and assessing what worked and what didn't. I had started out these 'n=1'* experiments wanting to meet my doctors halfway, but in the end, found solutions that allowed me to avoid having to take the drugs they said I would be on for the rest of my time-limited life.

Since then, I have continued my 'n=1' experiments with anti-aging, productivity, physical fitness, sleep, stress management and more. I was greatly influenced by the Father of Biohacking, Dave Asprey, and certified as one of the first British Bulletproof coaches in 2017 through the Human Potential Institute (formerly known as the Bulletproof Institute), under Dave and Dr Mark Atkinson's tutelage. It is one of the missions in my life to help others achieve their own optimum health while increasing their energy, focus and sense of fulfillment in life. 

Britain's Channel 4 has featured me in their series "Live Well for Longer" where I used biohacking techniques to double the Deep Sleep of TV journalist, Morland Sanders, and talked about other techniques, including hyperbaric oxygen and blue light blockers, to improve overall health. 

I was also invited to present to British employers around how optimizing sleep maximizes productivity and the bottom line at the world’s first consumer focused sleep conference, Somnex, held in London in 2018 and to attendees at the University of Oxford / Rhodes Trust Rhodes Venture Forum in 2019.

I am certified to practice as a Coach by the International Coach Federation, the gold standard in professional coaching globally and to whose Code of Ethics I adhere. I am also certified as a Health Coach by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC and Britain’s Ofqual, the UK government’s office of qualifications and examinations, and am a Member of the UK Health Coaches Association.

I have trained with the Harvard Business School Careers Service and am a Group Facilitator for the HBS Alumnae Coaching Circles in London. 

I also have a BA from the University of California, Berkeley, cum laude, and an MBA from Harvard Business School

My Coaching Specialties

As a professional fundraiser for university spin-out companies in healthcare & biotech, my specialty is coaching entrepreneurs of both early and later stage start-ups and financial services and investment professionals around stress management, work life balance, career transitions, recovery from burnout, optimizing performance and anti-aging protocols. I am taking on only a handful of new clients this year. If you’d like to see if we’re a fit, please reach out.

Curious to see if I can help you get to the next level? Let's get a no-obligation chat in the diary and find out.