Like a great rowing eight, the components of your life - your career, personal life, physical health, relationships, sense of purpose and spirituality - need to work in harmony. The whole team performs better if each member pulls their own weight and is in sync with the others. If one lags, it can act as a drag on the entire team, which is why the cox is there to help everyone pull their strongest, fastest and personal best together. 

Like coxing, coaching is a partnership between the coach and client in the service of the client's many goals. It does not look back at past traumas or relationships, but assesses where the client is at the present time, where they want to be in the future and why, and then works with the client to craft a plan to get there using specific, measurable, actionable and realistic steps. Should the client need support in other areas, such as nutrition or psychotherapy, appropriate referrals can be made. 

Coaches also act as accountability partners. They do not judge, but they do notice and explore why things did or did not happen and work with the client to craft an achievable plan forward. 

Today, coaching is a popular and potent solution for ensuring top performance from an organization’s most critical talent.
— David B Peterson, Director, Executive Coaching & Leadership, Google

They help the client uncover hidden strengths and resources, so that the client can consistently bring their best self to everything they do. 

As Bill George, former CEO of Medtronic, Professor of Leadership at Harvard Business School and an executive coach himself says:

Your True North, which is derived from your beliefs, values, and the principles you use to lead others, is your internal compass. It’s unique to you and it represents who you are at your deepest level.
— Bill George, Coach, Harvard Business School Professor, ex-CEO, MedTronic

My goal is to help you find your True North so you can lead others and yourself to perform at your best. 

To be crystal clear about what a coach is and is not, as well as how the coaching partnership with the client works, watch the following, brief video. 

Want to learn if coaching is right for you?

Set up a no-obligation call to find out now.

Photo credit: John TE Slade, Wikimedia Commons